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Consultant Profile: Kelle Corvin  

Area Center: Greenville Title: Growth Program Manager Start Date: April 15, 2024 QUESTION: What was your career track prior to joining the SC SBDC? ANSWER: I was the Business Development Director for a small business that did leadership development for law enforcement.


QUESTION: What motivated you to become an SC SBDC consultant? ANSWER:  I love the idea of helping other small businesses grow into their dream business. My whole career, whether it be in the public sector or private sector has been about building businesses and communities by connecting people.


QUESTION: What is the best piece of advice you would offer an aspiring business owner? ANSWER: Take the time to make a solid plan and begin with the end in mind—whatever your dream is, state it and then build a plan that gets you moving toward that goal.


QUESTION: What area of interest/expertise do you offer your clients? ANSWER: Marketing/Business Development/digital marketing/eCommerce/local government relations & regulations. Day-to-day finance, human resources, and general administration functions.


QUESTION: Since becoming an SC SBDC consultant, what is your greatest accomplishment? ANSWER: Getting through the training and truly understanding how I can contribute best to the overall growth of the business community in South Carolina.


QUESTION: Why is the SC SBDC an important resource for business owners in South Carolina? ANSWER: The SC SBDC offers business owners who are serious about their goals a pathway to building a solid, growth-oriented business. We are also connected to many local, state, and federal resources that help prepare business owners to communicate with and present to financial institutions and investors when they need funding to grow their businesses.


QUESTION: What is your favorite part about working for the SC SBDC? ANSWER: So far, I love the people!


QUESTION: What quote/saying/maxim expresses your philosophy toward work and/or life? ANSWER: Live every day to its fullest and do your best to leave everyone you encounter with a positive outcome or strategy to move forward.


QUESTION: Describe your approach to counseling. ANSWER: Listening to the business owner’s story, goals, and dreams and then helping them pare it down to a realistic step-by-step approach that is realistic to achieve. I call it a GPS moment—here’s where you are and there’s where you want to be. The pathway is what we try to help them develop and follow.


QUESTION: What keeps you busy when you're not at work? What is your hobby and/or passion? ANSWER: Well, I love to read and write, watch documentaries, travel, get outdoors with hiking/biking/gardening. When inside, I enjoy crafting in knitting, crochet, beading, and whatever else strikes my fancy! Being creative is something I really enjoy, especially when I can do any of the above with friends and family. I also enjoy watching college sports and some professional when my teams play! KC Royals, Chiefs and St Louis Cardinals. College teams: Kansas, South Carolina and Clemson.


QUESTION: Is there anything else you want readers to know about you? ANSWER: I love South Carolina and its pro-growth, pro-business environment! It’s an exciting time to be in this state and helping to make things happen!


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