South Carolina Manufacturing

South Carolina Manufacturing
Making it in South Carolina!
The strength of our country rests on the power of our factory floors – both the machines and the men and women who work them. American manufacturing carries implications not only for the private-sector workforce, but for the entire economy, our national security and the well-being of all Americans.
South Carolina, a state with a rich manufacturing history, is once again experiencing a surge in this industry segment. If you currently own a manufacturing interest, or you would like to start your own company, the South Carolina Small Business Development Centers (SC SBDC) are prepared to help.
Our business consultants foster the growth and development of existing enterprises, as well as startup ventures. Looking to produce a new product? We can advise on the development process. Want to sell products in overseas market? Get expert exporting assistance from our specialists around the state. Want to expand into government contracting? Our procurement specialists can help you meet all requirements and find opportunities that fit your company and products.
Managing your manufacturing venture is a challenge. Perhaps you’d like to streamline your production process. We can help identify problems affecting productivity and formulate solutions. Our SC SBDC consultants can assist with setting and meeting financial and strategic goals. We can develop strategies to help strengthen your workforce.
What about networking? Do you need suppliers or new business opportunities? Our consultants know people. We’re network experts who foster connections that move business forward. We can connect businesses that have complementary products and services, so you may discover a local supplier for parts or materials you’ve been purchasing out of state. Or perhaps you need an introduction to that procurement officer on base. We can show you how to make the connections necessary for business growth and success.
Manufacturing Consultants
North Charleston Area SBDC
6296 Rivers Ave. Suite 300
North Charleston 29406
P: 843.740.6160
Dick Brabham, Business Consultant
North Charleston SBDC
6296 Rivers Ave. Suite 300
North Charleston 29406
Useful manufacturing resources: