International Trade
Take your business global!
South Carolina’s small business owners are always looking for ways to grow their business. One approach is to find customers in new markets. International trade assists an owner in growing their business through diversification in customer, geography, seasonality, and product mix.
SC SBDC export business consultants provide international trade assistance to SC small businesses who are:
New-to-Export clients
Early-Stage Exporters
Existing Exporters
Indirect Exporters
Importers of components used in export
SC SBDC export business consultants are experienced professionals specially trained to assist SC small business owners with international trade needs. Our team works with business owners to provide:
Export Readiness Assessment
Determining whether this is a good strategy for the business – or not.
Export Business Plan Development
Management Commitment
Industry/Product Analysis
Target Market Analysis
Export Operations
Trade Finance
Loan Preparation
SBA and EXIM Bank export loan documentation
Commercial bank loan preparation and documentation
Connection to SCITC Partner programs/services, as needed
SC Commerce, US Commercial Service, etc.
According to the SBA, small businesses have generated the majority of net new jobs in the U.S. over the past decade. Exporting is good for a company’s bottom line. Helping companies grow by selling internationally is important to our economy and a key objective of the SC SBDC.
Make an appointment with a SC SBDC export specialist today! There are three experienced Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) consultants in the SC SBDC and two business consultants. Please contact them at:
Beth Smith, CGBP – Columbia: smithem6@mailbox.sc.edu
Jim Johnson, CGBP – Midlands: jimmymj@mailbox.sc.edu
Ben Calhoun, CGBP – Upstate: bncalho@clemson.edu
Tom Lauria, CGBP – Charleston: tomlauria@sc.edu
Ben Smith, CGBP – Clemson: bennys@clemson.edu
Statewide Export Consultants
Beth Smith, CGBP
State Director’s Office
1014 Greene Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Tom Lauria, CGBP
North Charleston SBDC
6296 Rivers Ave. Suite 300
North Charleston 29406
Ben Smith, CGBP
Clemson Area SBDC
Clemson University
407 Sirrine Hall
Clemson, SC 29634-1392
Jim Johnson, CGBP
University of South Carolina
Ben Calhoun, CGBP
Clemson University
407 Sirrine Hall
Clemson, SC 29634-1392
Useful export resources:
International Trade Administration (trade.gov)
SBA Export Loan Programs (sba.gov)
SC Department of Commerce: Export Services (sccommerce.com/international/export-services)
US Commercial Service SC (2016.export.gov/southcarolina)
NASBITE International (nasbite.org)
SC International Trade Coalition (scexports.org/)